Win a Family 4-Pack of Tickets to Super WHY

July 6th, 2012 by admin

Just tell us your child’s favorite Super Why character and you could win a Family 4-Pack of Tickets to see Super WHY Live on July 21st at the Tennessee Theatre.

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186 Responses

  1. Shannon

    My 6 and 2 year old love Wyatt!

  2. dagon

    WYATT!!!-for my son, my daughter loves princess presto!

  3. Victoria Rettmann

    My little girl loves Woofster!!!! She likes them all but Woofster is her favorite. She loves animals and just might be a vet or marine biologist!!!

  4. Adri Gilliam

    We love Super Why! It’s reading super heros, what’s not to love?

  5. Sarah Mirodipini

    My 5 year old daughter loves Wonder Red because she has purple in her outfit and her favorite color is purple. My 1 year old daughter likes to dance to the music every day! We would LOVE to go see them!!

  6. Kayla

    My little boy loves alpha pig! We would love to go. 🙂

  7. Hilary

    My kids love Wyatt, princess pea, and alpha pig! Super why rocks!

  8. Margaret

    Gavin loves them all! Probably Wooster the best, or alpha pig.

  9. jenn

    Princess pea

  10. Cindy Hobson

    My 4 year old, Nathanael, loves to watch Wyatt. His birthday was yesterday, and he wanted a Super Why cake with Wyatt on it! His birthday wish came true!

  11. jenn

    Sweet pea!

  12. Tina Sloan

    My daughter loves Princess Pea! And also “apple”pig!

  13. Madeline

    Alpha Pig is my 2 year old’s favorite! He is learning to identify letters and get’s so excited when it’s time to find the letters! My 4 year old loves Wyatt, he is leaning to read so he wants the power like Wyatt.

  14. Lisa

    My boys love Wyatt on SuperWhy!

  15. Bethany Greenoe

    My daughter’s (Ransley) favorite character is Princess Pea!

  16. Melissa Smith

    My daughter Malory loves Princess Pea!

  17. Katya Bodiscomassink

    My son loves Whyatt. Just asked him who is is and he said, “I’m SuperWhy, I’ve got the power to read!” He just turned 3 and am so thankful for this show!

  18. Christie Chovan

    Tripp’s favorite is alpha pig

  19. Pamela Milliken

    Both my kids over Super Why. My 3 year old loves Princess Presto.

  20. jarrod

    Wyatt is their favorite character because my middle childs name is “Wyatt”!

  21. knoxtiger14

    My son loves Wyatt and daughter loves Princess Presto!

  22. Nikki Turnmire

    My 7 year old likes Wyatt & my 2 year old LOVES Princess P!

  23. Shane

    My son’s favorite character is Wyatt and my daughter likes Red and Princess Pea.

  24. Wendy

    Wyatt – he answers all my son’s “why” questions!

  25. Kay

    My daughter relates most to Princess Pea! She especially loves when she sing/spells…that’s her favorite, by far! I love that there are still a few educational programs produced!

  26. Sarah

    My daughter loves her some Princess Pea!

  27. Amy Hardy

    Our entire family is in love with Alpha Pig!

  28. Teresa Barnes

    Katie’s favorite character is Princess Pea/Princess Presto.

  29. Claire

    Alpha pig!

  30. Kaycie Smith

    My oldest daughter loves Princess P!

  31. Laura V.

    We love the Princess!

  32. Courtney Wilkins

    My sons favorite character would have to be Wyatt. I Love how educational the show is!

  33. Colleen Luckey

    My Son’s is woofster and my daughter’s is Princess Presto. We love SuperWhy!

  34. Angie Williams

    My grandson loves Wyatt! He starts doing his ‘happy dance’ when we turn Super Why on!

  35. Jessica N.

    My 4YO boy loves Wyatt, and since little 21MO brother wants to be just like big bro, he says “WYY!!”

  36. Haley S.

    My son love Super Why! (Wyatt) because he has the power to change the words!!

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