Shop ’til you drop in 3 weeks!

June 30th, 2013 by admin

Who’s ready to shop ’til you drop?  Jack and Jules is in just 3 1/2 weeks!!  With over 500 consignors, Jack and Jules has everything your child needs to get ready for Fall/Winter and Back to school time!  Clothes, Shoes and toys galore… Swings, Excersausers, Pack and Plays, and High Chairs too!!  Don’t forget back packs, diaper bags, bottles, bibs, burp clothes and so much more!  Jack and Jules has EVERYTHING you need for a fraction of the cost!

On top of all the great items from our consignors, stop by and visit Melissa’s Bows ‘n Things, Thirty-One, Jamie Weiss Photography, It Works!, Scentsy, Sweet Designs Boutique, Mead Johnson(Enfamil representative) and Designs by Melissa Young!!  Be one of the first 250 shoppers on Thursday July 25th and you will receive a FREE goody bag full of coupons and treats from several awesome vendors!!

Mark your calendar, make a list, bring a bag and get ready to shop ’til you drop!!  Want to win a VIP shopping pass?  Comment below and tell us your best consignment shopping tip and you could win a VIP pass! 

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21 Responses

  1. Jami Quartararo

    Come with a list of sizes of clothes and shoes for each of your children!

  2. Amber C

    Measure your childs height and torso before you shop so you don’t have to worry about clothes fitting. Trace your kids foot on paper to “try on” shoes too 🙂

  3. Traci Jo

    Get there early. do not forget bags to carry all your goodies. and if possible leave the kids with grandparents or a sitter.

  4. Cheryl Alexander

    I like to check out where everything is then head to the most important areas for me first so I will have the best selection!

  5. Latasha Bridges

    Just grab at the time You’re shopping and pick a spot out of the way and sort what ypu have when you’re done!!

  6. Teia M.

    Bring a friend to hold your place in the checkout line. Then buy that friend dinner lol

  7. Megan M

    Bring a list of what your child needs as far as tops, jeans, tennis shoes, etc. along with sizes. It’s easy to forget what you really came for once you get in and start seeing all the good deals!

  8. Jessica Bray

    I find the size rack that I’m looking for, and I work my way all the way down the aisle. I bring the largest tote bag that I own. I grab it if I like it, and then I sort and decide later. Oh, maybe the most important one…I leave my kids at home and bring my mom to help me! 🙂

  9. Monica Lee

    Bring totes to shop and make a list if things you will need to bring with you Go to big items first since they get gone quickly. Bring you a bottled water or snack incase lines are long. Find the holding area so you don’t have to pack around your big stuff.

  10. Jama Tiller

    Don’t forget to bring a reusable shopping bag or basket! If you think you might want it, grab it, because if you go back to find it later, it will probably be gone. If you decide you didn’t need it after all, you can always put it back!

  11. Lisa Clark

    I like to watch what people but back. I always fine good stuff that way!!! The 31 bags are really good to use too.

  12. Tammie

    Have a list of items you need/want and then plan which area you want to start in to fulfill your list and don’t forget your bags!!

  13. Brooke

    Bring a helper so you can tag team!

  14. Jessica

    Always make a list of the most important items you want. Never second guess an item because it may not be there when you decide you want it. Always wear comfortable shoes. Last but not least bring a friend to divide and conquer!

  15. dora

    Come kid free, be patient, know what you’re looking for, shop this year and next if you have time, if there’s more than one of the same item then compare price and condition, don’t be afraid of putting big things in the hold, bring a water, bring the biggest sturdiest bags you have, and have fun!!! 🙂

  16. Amy

    First time – I am so excited

  17. Donnie

    Ask a dear friend to go with you so you can grab more stuff and have more eyes to find great deals!

  18. Raeshell

    Take your time! Not all the good stuff gets gone in the first hours. I wait until day 2 and dig dig dig!

  19. Ginger

    ALWAYS work shifts to shop early. People complain about consignment sales due to high prices, lines etc. It is simple, be the first in the door to score!

  20. Mandy

    Always double check all zippers and snaps. Usually at least one item I purchase has a tiny defect that is overlooked by the people at dropoff. Nothing worse than getting home with an expensive North Face jacket only to find the zipper piece is missing!

  21. Cindy

    My best consignment tip… Work a shift and shop the pre-sale! It’s only 4 hours and it lets you have first pick of all the stuff and avoid the crowds!!

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