Exciting News!!

February 22nd, 2013 by admin

Attention Jack and Julers…

Important News!!

Can you believe the sale start in less than 3 weeks? Angie and I are very excited about the upcoming sale and wanted to pass along some news! Please remember that the sale will be located at 1511 Downtown West Blvd. If you need driving directions, please click on the address above and put in your location. We are very excited to see everyone and shop ’til we drop!!

Ways to WIN!!

Tomorrow Jack and Jules will be at the B97.5 Parenting Expo at the Knoxville Expo Center!! Angie and I are very excited to meet new shoppers and hopefully see some familiar faces! Jack and Jules will be giving away several prizes tomorrow! We will have 3 separate giveaways for the following prizes:

1- Jack and Jules prize basket with everything you need to consign (check out the picture below)

2- $25 Jack and Jules Gift Certificate

3- Jack and Jules VIP shopping pass and a Jack and Jules tote

All you have to do tomorrow is stop by our booth at the parenting expo and sign up to win! Check out http://www.theparentingexpo.com/ for all the information.


Jack and Jules will have magnets for anyone wishing to help us spread the word. Magnets are free, so stop by tomorrow and pick one up!

As always, If you have any questions please email us at Cindy@jackjules.com or Angie@jackjules.com.

See you soon!!

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