
Click here to sign up to work a shift (available on 1/20/2025 at 10 am!)

View Available Work Shifts

Thank you for your willingness to help make Jack and Jules a huge success. We are relying on your support! Therefore, if you sign up to work a shift it is very important you are present and on time. If an emergency should arise you may send a replacement and still receive the discounted registration fee!

Shifts are only FOUR hours each.

Consignors working one shift will receive 75% of their sales and be invited to shop our pre-event sale.  Also, volunteers from the previous sale are given the opportunity to register for the next sale prior to registration opening!

Consignors working three shifts (4 hours/shift will receive 80% of their sales and be invited to shop our pre-event sale. PLEASE NOTE– ONE OF THE THREE SHIFTS MUST BE A SORTING SHIFT!  Consignors MUST WORK a total of 12 hours.

For every shift you work your name will be placed into a drawing. One lucky consignor will receive 100% of their sales!!

Light duty shifts are available. If needed, please email us before you register so we will know your specific needs!

Please remember that anyone over the age of 14 can work!  Children under 14 MAY NOT come with you to your work shift.

*** ONLY adults (18 or older) may sign up for a sorting shift.***

Jack and Jules is not responsible for any injuries received at any time during the sale.

If any problems arise, please email us at cindy@jackjules.com or angie@jackjules.com